Welcome to my homepage !
In my website you will find information about my research interests in computer science such as artificial inteligence, eye-tracking, virtual reality, computer vision, machine learning, affective computing, etc. You can also find some resources to the teachings I gave for undergraduate and master students (C#, data mining, ...) and the scientific papers I published. Some of my hobbies are composing and playing music and traveling.
I am an invited researcher at Osaka Prefecture University, a senior researcher at Keio Media Design and an associate professor at Lab-STICC research laboratory and ENIB. Since 2021, I haved been apointed as the director of the European Center for Virtual Reality (CERV).
From 2014 to 2019, I was a research assistant professor at Osaka Prefecture University in the intelligent media processing group which is supervised by Professor Koichi Kise. I was involved in a national CREST project and working with researchers from Tohoku, Kyushu and KEIO Universities until 2016. We use devices such as cameras, eye-trackers, EoGs or smart glasses in order to get information from the reading activity. From 2017 we started a new national CREST project with Tokyo University and Kobe University about "experiential supplements" which aims to create new tools for sharing experiences, and especially for improving learning and education.
From 2012 to 2014, I was at the head of Research & Development at Gestform, a digitizing company of 340 people. I worked on many projects such as handwriting recognition, image classification, segmentation and recognition. During my PhD.,I worked 3 years at LaBRI, the computer science laboratory of Bordeaux with Jean-Philippe Domenger and Nicholas Journet.
In 2009, I worked 6 months at INRIA about designing multitouch interfaces for 3D interactions in Pascal Guitton team. In 2008, I worked 4 months at Kumamoto University about chaos theory and its application for random number generation. My advisor was Akio Tsuneda.
You will find in my resume more information about my education, my experiences, my skills...
The list of my publications is available on Google Scholar or the dblp website. I am doing research about artificial intelligence, affective computing, HCI, virtual reality and computer vision.
Since 2021 I started to investigate the use of physiological and behavioral sensors for analysing how people learn in virtual reality. The use of eye-tracking technology is very useful to analyse where people are looking at, how long and to guess if they are understanding or not what they are doing. My goal is to build interactive systems that can automatically adapt to the user in order to help learning in a better way.
Since the end of 2014, I am using different kinds of eye trackers for analysing the reading behavior at Osaka Prefecture University. The main idea is to create a reading-life log to quantify and qualify the daily life reading habits. I extended the research of a tool for counting the number of read words named the Wordometer. We also proposed several educational applications such as estimating the English skill (TOEIC score), the Japanese skill or the confidence while answering multiple choice questions.
My research group in Osaka Prefecture University is also working on mangas analysis. Analyzing drawings is a very challenging task due to their variety. We proposed a new method to analyze the story telling based on genre classification with a deep learning approach. I also proposed a method to generate dynamic image visualization based on eye tracking, automatic animation of characters based on deep learning, and preliminary research about physiological signal analysis (heartbeat, sweating, skin temperature, etc.) while reading mangas.
During my PhD at In Bordeaux university and Gestform digitizing company, I explored new techniques for image processing, analysis and comparison. I also studied machine learning, data mining and information retrieval. I used both image and text information for document image classification and indexation. I worked on many subjects such as: handwriting recognition based on Artificial Neural Network, document image classification based on bags of visual words, detection of check-box location and state, identity card robust and real-time retrieval, incremental learning with user interaction... I developed this techniques in C#, C++, R and applied them in industrial context.
I was honored to win one best paper award at CIFED 2012.
In 2012, I got a young researcher grant to stay 3 weeks in the laboratory of my choice from LaBRI.
In 2013 I won the best student paper award at DRR 2013 for my works about semi-structured document image matching and recognition .
In 2015 I got Kakenhi young researcher grant (~4 millions JPY / ~30,000 EUR) to support my research about reading analysis and smart documents.
In 2017 I got the outstanding quality paper reviews award as reviewer of ICDAR 2017. I also got the outstanding service award for serving as local arrangement chair at ICDAR 2017.
I am curently teaching at ENIB: artificial inteligence, deep learning, affective computing and Object Oriented Programming.
In Japan I was teaching data mining at Osaka Prefecture University, more specifically about the following topics:
I also taught computer science at Bordeaux University. You can find here some of courses, but they are all in French.
I like to play guitar (acoustic and electric) and piano. I enjoy jazz, blues and rock music. I use essentialy a Guibson SG with a Marshall amplifier. I also have a Wah-Wah and a Big Muff footswitches. You can find my first compositions on Soundcloud and the music I like on my itunes profile.